Network Access Control (NAC)
Network Access Control (NAC) is a computer networking solution that provides access to the network (LAN) to authenticated and trusted devices and users according to prepared rules and denies access to all others. It does this by using the standard 802.1x authentication protocol, or by other means used by NAC vendors and combinations thereof. Another important feature of high-quality NAC solutions is the integration with other security systems in the network, with the help of which the NAC system automatically isolates already connected trusted devices in case of malicious code or insufficient self-protection (disabled or outdated antivirus system, outdated updates...). NAC, as the name implies, is a process that controls access to the network based on security policy rules and controls.
From a school perspective, it is a fairly dynamic network environment with diverse needs:
- school management and economy applications
- teaching support, plans, sensitive information about pupils ...
- teaching pupils with computer support
- hobby clubs, etc.
This list is not exhaustive, but it nevertheless shows the difficulty of incorporating all the requirements into one network operated by the school, also because the school’s mission is student education, not network administration.